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Хорошее начало обеспечивает ХОрОШИЙ конец

"Catherine"-Fraser hesitated-"you don't really know much about Lаnу, do you?" Catherine felt her back stiffening. "I know I 1ove him, Bill," she said evenly, "and I know that he loves me. That's а pretty good beginning, isn't it ?" (Sheldon)

I think, we've each spoken our piece. I'm going io accept your report. As to these mistakes, mistakes of yours, or unfortunate incidents, as you prefer to call them, well, they say а bad beginning makes а good ending. ( Caine)

Не was, he said, а poet who had never written poetry, а painter who had never painted, а lover who had never loved (absolutely) - someone, in short, without direction, and quite headless. Oh, it wasn't that he hadn't tried-good Ьeginnings, always, bad endings always. ( Capote)

Anyhow Constantius does just as Eusebius tells him. Everyone says so. Which means if you have Eusebius on your side, that's half the battle. And I've got him. ( Vidal)